If you are getting a message asking for an activation code for the TVG profanity filter, that is an extra feature that will block profanity if you activate it.
You do NOT need to activate the TVGuardian feature to use your DVD player.
The TVGuardian profanity filter will block profanity only on DVDs that have closed-captioning. About 50% of new DVDs being released do not have closed-captioning.
If you are getting a message saying it can't read the disk or something similar, then you need to call the manufacturer for help. See the following list of phone numbers.
Memorex: 877-363-6673 Magnavox: 800-605-8610 Polaroid: 866-289-5168 RCA: 800-821-5875 Disney (either a Hannah Montana or High School Musical DVD player): 866-387-1902.